Fired on Black Monday? Here’s What to Do After Losing Your Coaching Job

Getting fired is just part of being an NFL coach.

By Laura RiceJanuary 2, 2017 3:14 pm

Black Monday is the first Monday after the end of the regular NFL season. It’s the day NFL coaches whose teams didn’t make it to the playoffs start to get fired.

Daron Roberts has been on the wrong side of Black Monday more than once. He’s worked as an NFL coach for three different teams. He also wrote an entire chapter on the day in his new book “Call an Audible“.

Roberts says getting fired is a big part of having an NFL coaching career.

“It was a surprise to me,” he says. “It’s a difficult process and there are steps to take, whether you’re a coach or lawyer or a teacher, after getting fired that can help you move on.”

What you’ll hear in this segment:

– Roberts’ first-hand experiences with Black Monday

– What’s important after being fired from a job

– Tips on reinventing yourself for the next job