Has Houston Fixed Its Homeless Veteran Problem?

Our weekly check-in with the Texas Truth-O-Meter.

By Alain StephensJanuary 20, 2016 10:35 am,

Presidential hopeful and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush says Houston has no homelessness among veterans.

But is that a fact? Gardner Selby of the Politifact Texas fact-checking team is here to set the record straight.

After his speech to an audience of Florida Republicans at the Forum Club of Palm Beaches, Bush was asked, “If elected president, what would you and your administration do to improve veterans’ medical benefits?”

Bush said he would institute career civil service reform at the Veterans Administration, lead the VA to focus on “being world class for a few selected unique challenges veterans face” rather than providing all services, and give veterans more choices on where to go for their health care.

Then, Bush brought up his childhood home, Houston.

“Can I make another point? I want to tout something,” he told the crowd. “Three months ago I was in Houston, Texas, and a guy who I met woke up one day and he said, ‘I do not want to see a homeless veteran on the streets of Houston.’ He’s a successful guy – he had the resources to draw people towards this cause.

“And in Houston, Texas, today, there are no homeless veterans,” Bush said.

Hear how Bush’s claim scored in the player above.