Rosa Elba Tirado is a Texan who is originally from Mazatlán, in Sinaloa state, Mexico. She came to the U.S. several years ago so that her children could go to college. She says she wanted them to have “a broader education.”
There’s a prayer she learned from her mom when she was a child:
Gracias te doy gran Señor y alabo tu gran poder
Que con el alma y la vida nos has dejado amanecer
Con salud, te suplico, nos dejes anochecer
Alabando los dulces nombres de Jesús, María y José
In English, the prayer translates to:
I’m thankful, great Lord, and worship your great power
Because we were allowed to wake with our lives and our souls
I beg that in perfect health, you allow us to reach nightfall
In worship of the sweet names of Jesus, Mary and Joseph
Written by Caroline Covington; prayer written and translated by Joy Diaz.