“An Uncertain Future” is a short documentary by Chelsea Hernandez and Iliana Sosa about the lives of immigrants through the lens of motherhood. In the documentary, two women are the focus but both have different stories. One is an undocumented woman, while the other is married to an undocumented person. While the women do everyday things like cooking or going to the park, you hear their internal voices.
“We didn’t want this to be a documentary that was only focusing on the issues, so we never see them doing an interview on camera. We’re always hearing their voices,” Hernandez says.
Through filming the documentary, Hernandez thought of her own mother and the struggles that she went through in a pregnancy. Hernandez says the women never backed down despite the political atmosphere and the fear of getting separated from their families.
Now the documentary will be shown at SXSW in Austin. After the screening, Hernandez says the mothers in the film will be in attendance to answer questions – along with their babies.
“They’re a little older,” Hernandez says. “They just both turned one.”
Written by Angela Bonilla.