Can The Texas Economy Survive Without Immigrants?

Undocumented workers are leaving the state for places with softer immigration laws.

By Michael MarksJune 20, 2017 11:26 am,

Senate Bill 4 – the law that bars so-called sanctuary cities in Texas – hasn’t been implemented yet, but some employers in the state are already feeling its effects. Many bosses say they can’t find workers to fill shifts.

With undocumented workers leaving Texas, apparently spooked by the Trump administration’s immigration crackdown as well as SB4, what does the future hold?

Economic impacts could be vast, says Meredith Hoffman, a Texas Politics reporter with the Associated Press.

“In many ways, we are talking about a tip of the iceberg situation,” Hoffman says. “We have to remember that the majority of undocumented immigrants in Texas have been in the state for years.”

What you’ll hear in this segment:

– Whether the influx of immigrants leaving the state is an isolated incident or a growing trend

– Which Texas industries are most affected by immigrants leaving the state

– Whether the exodus of undocumented workers is enough to disrupt Texas’ enormous economic machine


Written by Taylor Jackson Buchanan.