Ever since four states and the District of Columbia have legalized marijuana use for recreational purposes, there has been increased calls for legalizing its use in other states, including Texas.
On March 2, David Simpson (R-Longview) introduced a bill to decriminalize marijuana.
As more states allow the use of marijuana and increase local production, this “lowers the price”, said Jonah Bennet, a reporter with the Daily Caller who has been following the evolution of the drug trade, making it difficult for the Mexican drug cartle to “compete in the Cannabis market”.
However, this isn’t all good news, especially for Texas. “Lower prices in marijuana has forced the cartels to shift “into opium production, as well as cocaine and meth,” Bennet said.
“Part of the problem is that Texas has a very porous border…way too many smugglers and cartels are able to take advantage of gaps in the border. I think it’s not going to matter if Texas legalizes marijuana…it’s just not going to stop the cartel wholesale, like some people hope,” Bennet added.