From Texas Community Health News:
For the last 3 years, the Libraries for Health program has placed peer support specialists in nine rural libraries across Central Texas to help address community mental health needs, but it’s unclear whether this care will remain available after the program ends next June.
In communities like Jarrell, where rapid population growth has outpaced social and health services, a shortage of mental health providers makes it nearly impossible to access mental healthcare. One possible solution for rural communities like Jarrell is to supplement limited care with peer support, a model that uses people who have experienced mental health conditions or substance abuse disorders to provide emotional support, skills training and other services.
“Libraries were chosen because that’s the one thing you’re definitely going to find in a rural area,” said Ta’Kisha Moore, the Libraries for Health coordinator at ViaHope, a peer support training organization that has partnered with Central Texas grantmaking organization St. David’s Foundation and RAND, a research organization.
Ailina Aponte, a 36-year-old mother of one, worked as a program coordinator at the Jarrell Community Library and Resource Center before receiving peer support training through Libraries for Health.
“I always liked helping people,” said Aponte. “This just kind of took it to a whole new level.”
While research shows that the peer support model is effective at improving clients’ well-being, experts say that low pay makes it difficult for people to remain in positions or create livable careers. For some of the peer specialists trained by Libraries for Health, that will mean looking for other ways to make mental health care a viable career.
Peers offer a potential solution to rural mental health needs
The Health Resources and Services Administration designates over 80% of Texas’ 192 rural counties mental healthcare provider shortage areas. According to the Texas Department of State Health Services, most rural counties have no psychiatrist.