Texas Standard for August 22, 2017
Change in plans. The president does a 180 on Afghanistan. When will the U.S. leave? We’ll explore why the commander-in-chief says that’s the wrong question. And: The Navy takes a knee after another ship in the Pacific Fleet collides with a commercial vessel. Some remains of the 10 missing crew members have been recovered. Who’s on lookout and what’s going wrong? Also: Popping the cork on a controversy between grape growers and their cotton pickin’ neighbors. Are pesticides killing Texas wineries? Plus: As kids go back to school, will there be enough teachers? That depends on whether you live – in the city or the country. Those stories and a whole lot more today on the Texas Standard:

Miguel Gutierrez Jr./KUT
Today’s Stories:
Trump’s Afghanistan Push Could Lead To ‘More Bombs, More Bullets, More Bodies’
Former Navy Captain Says Navigators Likely Trusted ‘Eyes And Not The Radar’ In Deadly Collision
Federal Grant And Frac Sands Give West Texas Railroad A Second Life
Most UT Oil Money Goes For Construction Debt And Administration, Not Savings For Students
El Paso City Council Rejects City ID Card Proposal
San Antonio Police Looking To Crack Down On Drug Paraphernalia
Grape Growers Say Herbicides From Neighboring Cotton Fields Damage Their Vines
Two Austin Schools Try New Approach To Prepare Students For Workplace
Rural School Districts Draw Teachers With A Family-Friendly Approach