The Most Popular Fact Checks of 2016

A look back on 2016’s Texas Truth-O-Meter.

By Alain StephensJanuary 4, 2017 11:17 am,

Can a fact check double up as a greatest hit? It can for  PolitiFact Texas. From the origin of Donald Trump’s “Make America Great Again” hats to whether the U.S. is bombing seven countries, readers were very interested in what the fact-checking team had to say.

Gardner Selby has a few of the most-clicked fact checks from last year. For the entire list and real-time updates on the latest fact checks, follow them on Twitter.

Pants on Fire

Celia Israel repeats unverified claim that Donald Trump’s campaign hats are made in China

Light a match to Greg Abbott’s ridiculous claim about ‘rampant voter fraud’

Mostly True

Donald Trump claims military jets need salvage parts

Barack Obama, in Austin, says illegal immigration at 40-year low


Hillary Clinton correct that Austin’s Alex Jones said no one died at Sandy Hook Elementary


Want to see the whole list? Head over to PolitFact Texas’ Twitter feed!