CNET, IGN, Wired – when you need to get a new TV or computer, there is a top 10 list somewhere online. And when it comes to gadgets and gizmos its usually fairly easy to find where the consensus is gathering. In phones it tends to be Apple or Samsung…and then things get into the weeds.
But spare a thought for those little devices that go less well-appreciated even or downright ignored.
Omar Gallaga, of the Austin American-Statesman’s 512 Tech, has a list of his most underrated and under-appreciated gadgets, like the lowly computer mouse.
“I think a lot of us just settle for whatever mouse came with our computer,” Gallaga says. “Or, if we have a laptop, we don’t even use a mouse anymore.”
Gallaga has gotten back into gaming and needed to buy a new mouse for gaming – it typically has more than two buttons, to which users can assign different functions, and pick up movement more smoothly, so they are more sensitive.
What you’ll hear in this segment:
– How much quality gaming mice cost, which may be cheaper than you think
– What the best remote control on the market is now
– Options for smart alarm clocks, instead of just using your phone