It’s early November and as we all know, Christmas decorations are already on sale. That was the inspiration for Typewriter Rodeo’s Sean Petrie as he wrote this week’s poem.
Christmas Lights
Happy Hallowee–
What the heck?
I haven’t even finished sorting
My Kit Kats from my Jolly Ranchers
And already you’re on that ladder
Draping lights over limbs
Stringing strands over siding
Ready to light up the entire block
With your Christmas cheer
Not to mention the portable generator
You’ve got hooked up
To that inflatable scene
Of Santa
Leading all eight reindeer
Across the nativity
Over the north pole
And into the abyss
Of the world’ largest air-filled Chimney
Yeah, you go there, Mr. Spirit Lights,
Me, I’ll be over here
Still prying this Jolly Rancher from my teeth
Relaxing in my chair
Not lifting a finger
Because my Christmas lights
Have been up
All year long.