Typewriter Rodeo: Hang in there

Each week, the Standard reaches out to Austin’s Typewriter Rodeo for a custom poem on Texas topics.

By Jodi EgertonJanuary 27, 2023 12:15 pm, ,

The holiday season is behind us but the weather still tends to be a little cold and gloomy. The pace of projects and demands seems non-stop and any promise of a break seems very far away. Don’t we all need just a little bit of levity? That was the inspiration behind this Typewriter Rodeo poem.

Hang in There

I see you —
trying to juggle all the things
thinking if you can just get past
this one
things will get more

Have you felt it too?
that things are suddenly moving
at top speed again?
and suddenly I’m finding myself adding
“Check the To Do list”
as an item on my to do list

And the best chance I have
at a nice relaxing break
is when I try to cosplay
as that poor kitten
dangling from a branch
Just trying to
hang in there
(psst —
it’s almost the weekend
you got this!)

a photo of the typewritten poem on a torn half sheet of light purple paper

typewriter rodeo logoTypewriter Rodeo airs each Friday on Texas Standard. Send us your ideas for a poem on Facebook or Twitter, or send us an email.

Typewriter Rodeo is also available anytime in podcast form.

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