Typewriter Rodeo: It’s Spring!

Each week, the Texas Standard is reaching out to Austin’s Typewriter Rodeo for a custom poem on a relevant headline.

By Laura RiceMarch 20, 2015 9:24 am,

Spring has sprung in Texas. The weather is mild, the wildflowers are blooming…. and the scorching hot weather of the summer is just around the corner.

Jodi Egerton with Typewriter Rodeo clicked out this spring poem on her vintage typewriter:


Ohsweetglorious Texas spring

Pleasant days and nights

For three whole days we bask in you

But… what’s that firey ball of light?*!

The mercury shoots straight on up

Our skin begins to burn

For Texas spring lasts only days,

Oh will we never learn?

Enjoy the wildflowers when they bloom

For soon they will be toast

Sweet Texas spring, at 103

All greenery does roast…

Got an idea for a poem we should give to Typewriter Rodeo? Leave a comment, tweet us or send us an email at TexasStandard@kut.org.