The vaccine rollout began with a very small group and has, at this point, expanded in Texas to everyone who is at least 16 years old. Now, more and more people know others who have been vaccinated. And more and more, the potential for the return to a “more normal” life looks possible. That was the inspiration for this Typewriter Rodeo poem.
More & More Vaccinations
at first it hurt
to even dare
to wonder
if there was light
at the end
of this neverending tunnel
and then there was a glimmer
hope from a poke
and light sparkled from afar
and we allowed ourselves
to dare
to wonder
how much longer
and then more pokes
for more folks
brought more hope
and light burst forth
from the tunnel
we dreamed of
from the wonder
we coaxed
who knew the tunnel itself
shining bright
at the end
would be so small
so thin
a needle point
a dreamy pinch
a wonder of science
delivering hope
with every