Typewriter Rodeo: Presidential Hope

Each week, the Texas Standard is reaching out to Austin’s Typewriter Rodeo for a custom poem on a relevant headline or topic.

By Laura RiceMay 15, 2015 9:54 am

Texas is likely to have several representatives in the 2016 presidential election. U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz is stumping and it’s been announced that former Texas Governor Rick Perry will announce… that was the inspiration for Typewriter Rodeo’s Sean Petrie this week.


Oh there they stand

Those two Texas men

Cruz vs. Perry:

Which One will win?

In a Presidential fight

Only one can surpass!

(Or, maybe not,

If Perry does the math.)

There’s Governor Rick

Donning fake glasses

Taking economic credit

For the state’s oil and gasses

And there’s Senator Ted

Struttin’ round town

He can solve any problem —

“Shut that government down!”

When the debate dust settles

And they’re pummeled and pilloried

There’s just one thing left:

Can either beat Hillary?

Got an idea for a poem we should give to Typewriter Rodeo? Leave a comment, tweet us or send us an email at TexasStandard@kut.org.