Typewriter Rodeo: Taxes

Each week, the Texas Standard is reaching out to Austin’s Typewriter Rodeo for a custom poem on a relevant headline or topic.

By Laura RiceApril 10, 2015 9:34 am,

You know what they say about death and taxes… the approaching IRS deadline was Typewriter Rodeo’s Kari Anne Roy’s inspiration this week.


Compile all the things,

Put them on your desk.

Find a cup of coffee

And maybe some nice music.

Sharpen your pencil and take

a deep breath…. cause taxes.

Sure your pile of things

May be incomplete.

And that 1099

From that one thing

All those months ago

Might have been lost under

The spilled coffee

And the detritus of junk mail.


You will perservere

With your coffee

And your soothing music

And even if you don’t it’s OK

Because taxes?

They never go away.

Got an idea for a poem we should give to Typewriter Rodeo? Leave a comment, tweet us or send us an email at TexasStandard@kut.org.

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