Typewriter Rodeo: The New Vocabulary

Each week, the Standard reaches out to Austin’s Typewriter Rodeo for a custom poem on Texas topics.

November 15, 2019 10:26 am,

The impeachment inquiry hearings going on this week have been a reminder that many of us are using different words – including some Latin ones – than we have in the past. That was the inspiration for this Typewriter Rodeo poem.

The New Vocabulary

All these new words on the news

That you now need to know

Like impeachment  proceedings

And quid pro quo

I remember the day

When words were leaner, fitter

When we didn’t have to worry

About government by Twitter

When  each day didn’t bring

Brand  new confusion

When we didn’t have to keep asking

Wait — what IS collusion?

When our maps didn’t change

By a stray Sharpie squiggly

When not everything was HUUUUGE

The very best, bigly

Yup, it’s hard to keep us

With all the wordage recently

I long for the days

Of good old fashioned, common decency.


Produced by Laura Rice.