What’s Next For Rick Perry?

“He’s been a political animal his entire life. … I would say, Don’t get into the rough-and-tumble anymore.”

By Michael MarksOctober 23, 2019 12:28 pm

The last time Rick Perry was out of a job, he ran for president. But after announcing his intention to resign as secretary of the Department of Energy last week, the former, longest-serving governor of Texas once again finds himself refreshing his résumé. But what comes next for someone who loomed so large for so long in Texas politics?

Matthew Dowd is an ABC News political analyst and longtime Texas political consultant. He was also chief strategist for George W. Bush’s 2004 presidential campaign. Dowd says he’s known Perry for more than 30 years, and would advise him to pull back from competitive politics, perhaps take a seat on a corporate board or offer advice on television.

“He’s been a political animal his entire life that I’ve known him,” Dowd says. “Now that he’s found a home in Round Top, I would say, Don’t get into the rough-and-tumble anymore.”

Dowd says it’s difficult for politicians to see a life for themselves that doesn’t involve politics, and that probably played a role in his accepting the job as secretary of energy.

“He’s obviously always been interested in energy, so taking that position wasn’t totally surprising,” Dowd says. “And maybe it gives him a foray into being on certain companies’ [boards], or doing consulting and making money in his life, and living a comfortable lifestyle.”


Written by Shelly Brisbin.