It’s never been easier to watch anything you want from the comfort of your own living room. And there have never been more TV shows and movies available to stream. But what if you can’t find what you want to watch? Maybe you don’t know where it’s streaming, or you don’t subscribe to a service that has your show. Tech expert Omar Gallaga has some tips for finding your favorite shows even when streaming services don’t make it particularly easy.
Many smart TVs and streaming providers offer so-called universal search. If you know which show you want to watch, just look it up. But if you don’t have universal search, a number of sites and apps can help. Try Decider, Just Watch or Can I Stream It. Or, if you’d rather use an app, there’s Yidio.
What you’ll hear in this segment:
– Why it’s so hard to find what you want to watch
– Where you can find older TV shows and movies available for streaming
– Which sites and apps can help