Does this commercial from the 1980s resonate with you?
Whether you brew Folgers at home, stop at Starbucks, or brave the dregs of the office coffee pot, most Americans need a caffeine fix.
In fact – according to a 2015 Gallup poll, more than 60 percent of Americans drink at least one cup of coffee a day.
But are certain cities better for coffee drinkers than others? Jill Gonzalez with the personal finance website WalletHub joins us each week to break down how Texas stacks up against other states on a range of issues.
She says they were looking at a few different metrics to see where Texas falls in the caffeine breakdown.
“We were actually looking at a few different metrics here. We tried to go about this very scientifically,” she says. “We looked at everything from the average price for a pack of coffee, the number of affordable coffee shops, coffee houses and cafes to even the number of coffee lovers meet-up or events per capita.”
Not surprisingly – Portland, Oregon, and Seattle nabbed the first and second spots on the list for best coffee cities.
But how did Texas do?
“Texas cities did not do that well in this study,” Gonzalez says. “I’m sure if it was on tacos or on barbecue we might have seen much different results here. Austin did lead the pack. It was number 28 out of 100. Plano was right behind that at number 29. Then most other Texas cities were down at the bottom of the list. Laredo was actually at number 100, El Paso was at 91.”
Gonzalez says there are a couple of reasons why Texas is all over the list:
“There are not a lot of coffee shops or coffee houses per capita and they’re not too affordable where you can find them,” she says. “That has to do with there not being a lot of coffee and tea manufacturers in Texas either. And so given those are about three of our 12 metrics, you can imagine that some Texas cities were more toward the bottom of the list here.”
A Garland student has been guaranteed a spot at the University of North Texas when the eight-year-old is ready to go to college.
School officials offered Jordin Phipps admittance after they saw a video of her reciting motivational lines that she and her classmates say each day.
Let’s hear a few.
“I will be respectful with the words I say. I will pay attention and I will do my best, and I will study hard for every test.”
Jordin’s mom, a UNT alumna herself, shot the video and posted it online. The school also gave Jordin a $10,000 scholarship.
U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch is in Dallas today to kick off National Community Policing Week. The idea is to foster stronger relationships between neighborhoods and law enforcement.
The Dallas Morning News reports that Lynch will be a part of youth forum today and also join Mayor Mike Rawlings and Dallas Police for National Night Out on Tuesday. President Obama proclaimed October 2-8 National Community Policing Week this past Friday.