The iMac, the iPod and the iPhone – new product announcements from Apple have made tech enthusiasts gasp, and revolutionized the way consumers think about technology. It’s no wonder that Apple has maintained a loyal following. The brand has always emphasized design and usability over openness and affordability.
But one former Apple fan has seen the light, turning from macOS to Windows. It’s none other than digital savant Omar Gallaga of the Austin American-Statesman’s 512 Tech, who says price and gaming power led him to choose a new tech path.
“I bought my first Windows PC in about 15 years,” Gallaga says.
Gallaga says the wait for Apple to release a laptop he wanted was a long one.
“Surely Apple is going to come out with a laptop that’s geared toward gamers or power users,” Gallaga says. “And every time they would roll out new MacBook Pros, I was like, ‘No, that’s not what I’m looking for.'”
What you’ll hear in this segment:
– Why Apple’s latest laptops don’t make the grade
– How Microsoft and Windows PC makers have met consumer demand better than Apple has
– Where the Mac versus Windows divide is widest
Written by Shelly Brisbin.