Today, you can buy or make 3D-printed versions of everything from toys to furniture. But what if you could print a house? That’s what a developer in the Austin area has in mind. The partnership between a large homebuilder and a 3D printing company with experience constructing printed houses plans to build 100 homes in the Austin area, beginning next year.
Tech expert Omar Gallaga told Texas Standard that elements of each house will be 3D printed, then assembled to complete the structure.
Highlights from this segment:
– Major home builder, Lannar Homes has partnered with ICON, a large-format 3D printing company to build 100 homes in the Austin area. The exact location hasn’t been disclosed.
– ICON built so-called tiny houses in Austin, and constructed ten two-bedroom homes in Mexico.
– Using 15-foot tall printers, ICON will create interior and exterior walls and interior elements for the first floor. Upper floors will be constructed in the traditional manner.
– 3D homes should be somewhat cheaper to build than traditional homes, but savings for homeowners will only be moderate.