In Two Texas Truths and a Lie, three stories are given to two competing contestants to see who can figure out the fake one.
Earlier this week, former first lady Laura Bush promoted efforts to conserve the habitat of monarchs in Texas. So our contestants are two people who work to protect these embattled butterflies: Meredith Longoria, a nongame and rare species biologist with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, and Katie Boyer with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
1. A former wrestler who cut his teeth in the WWE is hoping San Antonians will be chomping at the bit to try his new restaurant. Alberto Del Rio is set to open a Mexican restaurant in the Alamo City at the end of the month.
2. A former Texas high school football star is hoping to find fame in the WWE. Dane Everett even built a wrestling ring in his Houston garage to perfect his dropkicks and power slams. Plus, Everett has already crafted his persona: the Texas Titan.
3. Texas Tech football coaches threw each other into a table and wielded a folding chair – to celebrate. After a big win, two Red Raiders coaches impersonated John Cena and The Miz for a makeshift Monday Night Raw match during practice. (And the coach playing Cena pulled no punches – he donned a black speedo for the role.)
Which one is the lie? Listen in the player above to find out!