In Two Texas Truths and a Lie, three stories are given to two contestants to compete to see who can figure out the fake one. This week it’s Tom Michael and Travis Bubenik of Marfa Public Radio.
Your questions:
1. Lucky the elephant isn’t flying solo anymore. On Monday the 56-year-old got a new roomie at the San Antonio Zoo: 40-year-old Nicole. Nicole used to spend her days on the road with the circus as a performer. Apparently Lucky can be a little choosey about her companions but seems to have taken a shine to Nicole.
2. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services officers seized nearly $500,000 worth of elephant ivory at a series of antique shops in Johnson City. A central Texas antique dealer had been using shops like Geraldine’s Antiques to move the banned materials throughout the Southern U.S.
3. U.S. Customs and Border Patrol seized an elephant skull in Mission, Texas that had been sitting in the back of the driver’s flatbed truck. Apparently the cranium belonged to an endangered elephant species and didn’t have the right documents to be exported. The driver had tried to bring it into Mexico first before being sent back to the U.S.
Which one is the lie? Listen to the player above to find out!