From Texas Public Radio:
If you grew up in San Antonio, it’s likely that you took an elementary school field trip to Natural Bridge Caverns in the Hill Country outside of Garden Ridge.
It’s been a popular show cave for decades, but right next door to it, a cavern first discovered in the 1960s finally opened up last year. And what Natural Bridge has done in Hidden Wonders made it unlike any other cave in Texas.
When you visit, you’ll be greeted by cave guide Olivia. “Welcome to Hidden Wonders!” she said. “Before we get started, we’re going to go over a couple of rules.”
The first rule: like any other cave, you can’t touch the formations. And also: “There are some steep and wet sections. You will be going down more than 190 steps today,” she said. “Don’t worry; you won’t have to walk back up those stairs!”