What are your wishes for 2019? Are you hoping for world peace, harmony in the U.S. Congress and a productive legislative session in Texas?
Well, the editors at Austin-based Kirkus Reviews have a list of their own wishes that have nothing to do with global, national or even local politics. But they have put together a list of trends they want publishers to do away with in 2019.
Editor-in-Chief Clay Smith says these three things top the list:
– Fewer “tan” people in books: Diversity should be more authentic and there needs to be less symbolic characters of color.
– Stop using the word “paradox”: Nonfiction books that rely on the word to make their case often are not really describing one. “They’re just writing about problems,” Smith says.
–No more Paris: Smith says that in the past three years, Kirkus has reviewed 21 novels with the word “Paris” in the title.
Listen to the full list in the audio player above.
Written by Shelly Brisbin.