It’s been a big week in Texas politics – a fatal one for sure, for one Texans’s white house bid, as you may have heard. Here to help us unpack it all is Emily Ramshaw, editor-in-chief of the Texas Tribune.
After previously calling out Donald Trump for being a “cancer on conservatism,” former Texas Governor Rick Perry has changed his tune – he’s now endorsing a Trump presidency. Is her perhaps gunning for some spot in a Trump administration?
“It is the only way that I can interpret it,” Ramshaw says. “Because it is a step further than what a lot of Republicans have said, which is, you know, “I’m going to hold my nose and vote for this guy, we need to unify the party.’ Perry is not just saying we need to unify the party, he’s saying, ‘I think he did a great job, he’s worthy of being President.”
What you’ll hear in this interview:
– What else Perry’s been up to
– Where in the world is Ted Cruz now?
– What former Presidents are keeping mum on endorsing Trump