You may remember a certain former governor who metaphorically stumbled off the national stage after two failed shots at the White House. And yet – when it comes to the growing anti-Trump movement, there is one name that keeps coming back.
Austin Bureau Chief Peggy Fikac, for the San Antonio Express-News, says Rick Perry has been mentioned more than once in conversations about stopping Trump. Perry endorsed Ted Cruz in early 2016, but he seems to be enjoying the attention as a possible alternate.
“It’s never bad to be talked about as a White House hopeful, you know,” she says.
What you’ll hear in this segment:
– The “very small” window that Perry could climb in, if the brokered convention turns to naming a candidate based on something other than delegate count
– Whether it’s likely that Perry can reinstitute his campaign, despite having suspended it months ago
– What the speculation over Perry’s missing ballot says about the Republican party as a whole