When President Donald Trump first mentioned the creation of Space Force last year, many people were surprised – some were even skeptical. Now, with bipartisan agreement from Congress, it looks as though there will be a Space Force, and it will be a new branch of the U.S. military.
Oriana Pawlyk is air warfare reporter for Military.com. She says the Space Force didn’t originate with Trump, but with a bipartisan pair of congressmen, Mike Rogers from Alabama and Jim Cooper from Tennessee. In 2017, they envisioned a space corps that would be a sixth military branch. The current proposal ties the force much more closely to the Air Force.
“The Space Force is going to be nestled under the Department of the Air Force for the foreseeable future, much like the Navy oversees the Marine Corps,” Pawlyk says.
What you’ll hear in this segment:
– How President Trump became interested in a space force
– What the Space Force is expected to do
– What’s next for the Space Force proposal