Whether you need to read a book for school or for book club, you can likely find it online as an ebook, audiobook, or have the real book shipped in a matter of hours. But before you head straight to the internet, remember that there’s a magic place you can look first. A place with people who would love to help you find what you need – all without relying on a wifi connection.
Your School Librarian
Shelves full of knowledge information inspiration
Find your perfect research resource
Or your beach read for vacation
Stack em up and sort em
Slick the spines with tape and stock em
And I’ll scan your card and mark em
My Dewey Decimal’s on point
Tell me what you want to read
Slanting rhymes at 811
307’s communities
And if you find yourself wondering just what you would fall for
Find your revolution revelations down at 974
Oh, you can keep your google,
I’m not techno-phobe contrarian
But first come share my resources
Your favorite school librarian
Audio prepared by Laura Rice.