In a state known for its songwriters and its unique musical sensibility – a state which is the subject of more than a few classic songs – this is what passes for our official anthem:
Texas, our Texas
All hail the mighty state
While we’re at it, the state has official squash too: the pumpkin. The state stone: petrified palmwood.
Nothing against the pumpkin or the palmwood, but it may leave you wondering – is this the best we can do?
John Nova Lomax, a writer with Texas Monthly, wants to update some of the Lone Star State’s out-of-style symbols.
Lomax says we don’t need to throw out the baby with the bathwater – just do some draining.
“There’s overkill in some places and under-appreciation elsewhere,” he says.
What you’ll hear in this segment:
– What Lomax thinks should stay, including the state hat (cowboy, of course) and state shoe (cowboy boots, naturally)
– What he thinks we should change, like the state vehicle and state bird – maybe, perhaps, a grackle?
– Which state symbol does triple-duty, as the state nut, tree and pie
– Possible options for the state song, including one by an Oklahoman
Web post prepared by Hannah McBride.