From KUT:
In a windowless office in a Northwest Austin thrift store, past several racks of high-end used clothing, Todd Logan pores over a list of names.
“We had about 84 folks we were helping through our housing program,” he says. Logan is the director of client services at Project Transitions, a nonprofit that provides medical care and housing for people living with AIDS. He estimates that of the 84 people the group helped last year to keep or find housing, more than half were living on the streets.
All of the thrift store’s revenue goes to the nonprofit, but the organization also depends heavily on the slice of $1.1 million in federal Housing and Urban Development grants it gets through the City of Austin.
“If we didn’t receive the HOPWA funding, we would have to close our doors,” Logan says, referring to the Housing Opportunities for Persons with HIV/AIDS program.
That possibility is not so far-fetched. President-elect Donald Trump has said that in the first 100 days of his presidency he’ll cancel all federal funding to sanctuary cities.