A Horse Lover’s Old Boots Carry Memories

Liz Barrow still remembers buying her first pair of boots.


By Asa CottermanOctober 26, 2017 4:54 pm, ,

For Liz Barrow, boots came to her through a love of horses.

“I’m a horse lover. I’ve loved horses all my life,” she says. “It’s hard to describe how horses make me feel.”

After all these years, she still remembers the day she got her childhood boots.

“I remember actually buying my first pair of riding boots, and I had been begging for them for years,” she says. “I probably was 10 years old and I had been going into the tack shop over the years looking at them, wishing I had a pair. And when we finally went and I got my first pair, I was just in heaven.”

“These were the old-timey, sort of Jackie O.-style riding boots that you see in the old photos,” she says.

She loved the boots even more with time. “A good pair of boots, they just get better and better looking the more wear and tear they get.”

“Horses that I’ve known, people that I’ve known, all that I’ve learned, all that I can now do – all of that is part of the experience, so it’s a whole collection of feelings and thoughts and experiences that relate to horses that kind of lives inside of me,” she says. “And the equipment that you use, like your boots, is just kind of a touchstone to a wider creative and heartfelt endeavor.”