From KUT:
If you’ve spent your life in the city, maybe you’ve never experienced the smell near a dairy farm, cattle feedlot or a newly fertilized field.
Tiffany Lashmet has.
“If you lived up in Amarillo, where I’m from, everybody is real familiar with [it],” says the agricultural law specialist for Texas A&M AgriLife Extension.
It’s manure, a constant part of raising animals.
Manure also emits chemicals like hydrogen sulfide and ammonia, and under federal law, most businesses are required to report those toxic emissions when they reach a certain level. But for years, most farms, ranches and other livestock facilities have been exempt from the requirement.
That changed last May.
“The District of Colombia Court of Appeals issued a decision that essentially said that the EPA did not have the authority to make that exemption,” Lashmet says.