Republican state Rep. Jason Villalba had some harsh words, via Twitter for Democratic presidential contender Bernie Sanders. He said that Sanders is a democratic socialist – and that the Nazi’s were too.
Is that a fact?
Helping us sort through the mess is PolitiFact Texas fact-checker Gardner Selby.
Last week, a Democratic activist asked us to check a claim on Twitter by Dallas state representative, Republican Jason Villalba. Villalba said in his tweet (which has since been taken down), “The Modern Democrat Party is filled with Democratic Socialists and soft socialists. Is this where we are in America?”
He went on to say in an attached graphic targeting Sanders:
“That awkward moment when …
1) Bernie Sanders admits he is a Democratic Socialist.
2) Nazis were Democratic Socialists
3) America fought an entire World War to stop the advance of Democratic Socialists.”
Hear how Villalba’s claim rated in the audio player above.