Last week, the tech site Motherboard broke the story that personal information belonging to millions of T-Mobile customers was stolen in a data breach. In addition to cell phone numbers and account passwords, the hack included social security numbers, physical addresses and driver’s license information. On Wednesday, the cell carrier confirmed that data belonging to 50 million people, including current and past customers and prospective customers, had been stolen.
Tech expert Omar Gallaga says a T-Mobile statement on Wednesday acknowledged the breach. It said sensitive data is no longer at risk. It is unclear how the company intends to assist customers who have been affected.
Highlights from this segment:
– Data thieves claimed to have information from 100 million T-Mobile customers. They attempted to sell the information on the so-called “dark web,” eventually lowering the asking price from $250,000 in bitcoin to a few hundred dollars. T-Mobile has around 105 million current customers.
– T-Mobile says the breach affected far fewer of its customers than the thieves claim – some 7.8 current users and 40 million others who either requested credit approval but did not become T-Mobile customers, or who left the carrier.
– T-Mobile has experienced a number of previous data breaches.
– T-Mobile customers should change their password and T-Mobile ID, and check with the carrier to see what assistance the company may offer to those affected.