Even if you’re not a frequent denizen of the local mall, you’ve probably spent some time there this holiday season. And if not, you have some memories of teenaged days spent hanging out there.
Ode to the Mall
Oh there’s Neiman and Macy’s
And the Sunglasses Hut
Go to Toni & Guy
To get all your hairs cut
From the Denton Golden Triangle
To the sprawling Katy Mills
They dot the Texas landscape
Like concrete-glass hills
Way back in the day
A place to meet, and gather
Catch a movie play a game
Or just hang out and blather
Hot Topic, Foot Locker
Abercrombie & Fitch
Or find that R-rated package
At – of course – Spencer’s Gifts
Filled with folks and nostalga
Some say soon, they’ll be gone
And alas, if that happens–
Hope you’re happy, Amazon.
Produced by Laura Rice.