Texas has everything: beaches, mountains, forests, and even caves. Whether you prefer Natural Bridge Caverns, Longhorn Cavern, or Enchanted Rock Cave, they’re all great ways to beat the summer heat – if you can brave small spaces, of course.
Texas Caves
Some climb under the earth
to taste the salty air
hearkening back to a Texas
ages ago
Some spelunk to explore
Aiming to touch the farther edges of the
inside and out
Some slither through serpentine tunnels
To see just how far they can squeeze
How tight they can squoosh
How long they can hold til spaciousness
Some descend into caves to catch the slow beauty
Stalactites forming over centuries
Drop castles in extreme slo-mo
But me? I go caving out of pure necessity
A way to find nature’s air conditioning
On the hottest Texas summerdays.
(maybe next time I should try
the mall)
Produced by Laura Rice.