With the Super Bowl just around the corner, people are getting ready for the biggest sporting event of the year.
According to the Texas Farm Bureau‘s Julie Tomascik, Texas agriculture is a big player in the Super Bowl.
So how exactly do the two relate? Tomascik runs down agriculture’s big impact on the big game:
Footballs: They’re made from leather. And Texas leads the nation in cattle numbers, with nearly 11 million head.
Peanuts: The Lone Star State grows more than 423 million pounds of this popular snack. That’s a lot of nuts!
Land: A football field, including the end zones, takes up a pretty big chunk of land. About 1.3 acres. To compare, Texas is home to more than 130 million acres of farmland. That’s about 100 million football fields.
Chicken wings. Super Bowl weekend is unquestionably the biggest time of year for wings. Texas grows more than 100 million chickens each year, ranking sixth in the nation.
Cotton. Texas is a major cotton state. And 3.5 million bales of cotton were produced in 2011. Need a Super Bowl XLIX championship shirt? They’re made from cotton!