Typewriter Rodeo: The Texas Legislature is Back in Session

Each week, the Standard is reaching out to Austin’s Typewriter Rodeo for a custom poem on a relevant headline.

By Laura RiceJanuary 16, 2015 9:52 am,

Tuesday marked the beginning of the 84th Texas Legislature. Thousands of lawmakers returned to the State Capitol in Austin for the 140-day session.

Typewriter Rodeo’s Jodi Egerton wrote a special poem to welcome the legislators and a hopeful 2015.


It’s bustling in the rotunda.

The halls are stacked to the gills.

And in every nook and every cranny,

Someone’s writing a new bill.

Some bills want more money.

Some want smoother roads.

Some want longer mandatory breaks.

And some want to save endangered toads.

Throughout the halls of the capitol,

There’s a sense of something strange.

A bill that won’t get vetoed?

Or a promise of some change?

Here’s to our legislators,

May they work til the work is done.

But please be mindful,

And tweak those bills,

So we won’t blow up the sun.

Got an idea for a poem we should give to Typewriter Rodeo? Leave a comment on this page, tweet us or send us an email at TexasStandard@kut.org.

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