Does Joe Biden’s Health Care Plan Require Participants To ‘Buy In’?

Our weekly check-in with the Texas Truth-O-Meter.

By Alexandra HartSeptember 17, 2019 12:18 pm, ,

During last week’s Democratic presidential debate, former Housing and Urban Development secretary, and current presidential candidate, Julián Castro, took aim at former Vice President Joe Biden on health care. Castro said that Biden’s health care plan would require participants to “buy in” to get insurance coverage.

Is that a fact? Madlin Mekelburg of the PolitiFact Texas fact-checking team based at the Austin American-Statesman has the answer.

Biden’s health care proposal features a public insurance option, Mekelburg says. Castro’s claim is that Biden has been inconsistent in the way he explains this plan, sometimes saying enrollment would be automatic, while at other times saying people could make a choice to opt out.  

Hear how Castro’s claim about Biden’s health care plan scored in the player above.


Written by Shelly Brisbin.