From Texas Public Radio:
Maxwell Hayes unleashed his frustrations on a pair of Eagle Pass police officers.
“It’s your job to protect America from criminals! Do it!” Hayes yelled at the officers, who calmly absorbed the abuse.
The police had barricaded the streets that lead to Shelby Park.
That’s where the Texas National Guard has taken over. It fronts two-and-a-half miles of the Rio Grande, but the riverbank is now piled high with row after row of razor wire and a wall built out of steel shipping containers.
“I’m supposed to be down there right now protesting these people coming across my border,” Hayes said.
A supporter of far right militias, he traveled to Eagle Pass from Colorado to join the so-called “Take Our Border Back” convoy, a mix of Trump supporters, migration hawks, election deniers and conspiracy theorists.
“We got billions of dollars going to Ukraine massacring Russians and nobody cares about that massacre,” Hayes said.
The police closed entry to the area because of growing concerns about violence, reports of gunfire, and a local bank robbery.