We’re in the midst of Chanukah, the Jewish festival of lights. Eight days of feasting and gift exchanges celebrate the lamp in the Temple that burned eight days instead of one. And many Texans who celebrate know two ways to serve brisket.
Chanukah in Texas
We gather our family
And welcome our friends
Sharing stories of long long ago
When the oil that shouldn’t have lasted a day
Lasted eight days,
surprising us so
Now all across Texas one new flame each night
Celebrating with clear grateful hearts
How all of us still get to share that great miracle
Of the light that proclaimed a new start
So find a new friend
Spin a dreidel, win some gelt
Chanukah’s perfect chocolate treat, it’s true
Then tuck in for a good hearty Chanukah meal ––
Potato latkes & brisket––choose your favorite
local BBQ.
Produced by Laura Rice.