Typewriter Rodeo: Gardening

Each week, the Standard reaches out to Austin’s Typewriter Rodeo for a custom poem on Texas topics.

By Sean PetrieMay 10, 2024 12:56 pm, , ,

The wildflowers are blooming — and so are the flowers planted purposefully. The wet spring has been a gift to those also trying to cultivate carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers and the like. This Typewriter Rodeo came by request but is dedicated to all Texas gardeners.

Click here to send us your poem request.

(for Ricky)

Screens don’t work well
In the dirt
The constant chatter of news
Doesn’t grow
Nope, this is soft loam
This is a few rocks
This is the sun, the watering can
The clouds and a buzzing bee
And this is patience
In its most exquisite
Yes, water and plant
Till and tend
And then just
No screens.
No chatter.
Isn’t this
How it
How life
Is meant to be?

A photo of the typewritten poem on a torn half sheet of light yellow paper.


typewriter rodeo logoTypewriter Rodeo airs each Friday on Texas Standard. Send us your ideas for a poem on FacebookTwitter, or send us an email.

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